Insulation and Cladding
At PCM Group, we bring a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record, ensuring the successful realization of projects irrespective of their complexity. PCM Group has the expertise to complete projects for all standards of hot cold and cryogenic application.

Our team includes experienced Managers, Supervisors, and craft with vast experience working in both the construction and maintenance divisions.
Through our network of International suppliers, PCM Group has access and supply chains to a vast range of Insulation Materials to cover all Insulation Systems and complete the most challenging scopes ranging from temperatures of 1200°C down to -160°C
PCM Group has successfully carried out multiple projects throughout Western Australia and Northern Territory over the past years.
Our team has experienced in-house Inspection Personal and Supervisors Certified by both the CINI and ICCOR institutions. This enables PCM Group to offer clients turnkey operations required carrying out refurbishment programs and can be delivered from the one contractor is what sets us apart from the competition
PCM Group has a fully equipped workshop with modern machinery to service all requirements within the industrial Insulation Industry based in both the NT & WA to carry out all pre-fabricated cladded and Insulation materials with our experienced sheet metal trades.
PCM Group has the capabilities and experienced personal to provide PUF Foam Injection in the application of Cryogenic Insulation Systems, our vision is to use only the most advanced equipment, with our recent purchase of our Graco Reactor EXP2 elite foam spray unit.
The result of PCM Group’s highly experienced personnel and networks enables our client’s access to worldwide resources for the thermal insulation industry as well as the most recent technology within the Industry.